YO4 WOD 7/12/18
Warm up and mobilise - Back squat 10 rep max - Wod - in pairs - 2 rounds for time: 40/30 cals 40 cleans 50/35kg 60 du’s / 120 su’s 40/30...
YO4 WOD 6/12/18
Warm up and mobilise - Deadlift - heavy double > 3 x 2 @ 90% - Wod - 9 minute amrap: 3 deadlifts 100/80kg 6 toes’2’bar 9 bar over burpees
YO4 WOD 5/12/18
Warm up and mobilise - Snatch 3 Rep Max - 5 minute amrap - 3 touch’n’go snatch - Wod - in pairs - 10 rounds round for round: 10/8...
YO4 WOD 4/12/18
Warm up and mobilise - Wod 1 - 3 rounds for time: 30 du’s / 60 su’s 14 kb swings 24/16kg 14 sit-ups - Rest - Wod 2 - 3 rounds for time:...
YO4 WOD 3/12/18
Warm up and mobilise - Front squat 3 x 3 > 3 x 2 > 3 x 1 - Wod - 12 minute time cap: 5 rounds: 15 air squats 12 single arm dumbbell...