YO4 WOD 3/12/18 Warm up and mobilise -Front squat 3 x 3 > 3 x 2 > 3 x 1-Wod - 12 minute time cap:5 rounds:15 air squats12 single arm dumbbell clean and jerk 22.5/15kg9 pull upsIn remaining time:Amrap burpees-Score = total burpees
Warm up and mobilise -Front squat 3 x 3 > 3 x 2 > 3 x 1-Wod - 12 minute time cap:5 rounds:15 air squats12 single arm dumbbell clean and jerk 22.5/15kg9 pull upsIn remaining time:Amrap burpees-Score = total burpees